速報APP / 教育 / Respiratory diseases & respiratory thera

Respiratory diseases & respiratory thera





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Respiratory diseases & respiratory therapy(圖1)-速報App

Respiratory diseases & respiratory therapy free apps

From this Free App you can learn :

1- Introduction to pulmonary diseases :

Streptococcus pneumoniae and flu vaccines , Respiratory distress , Types of pulmonary diseases

2- Asthma :

Asthma pathophysiology , Asthma diagnosis , Asthma severity , Asthma shortterm treatments , Asthma longterm treatment

3- Emphysema (COPD) :

Emphysema pathophysiology . Emphysema diagnosis , Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) , Centriacinar emphysema vs panacinar emphysema , Emphysema treatment

4- Chronic Bronchitis (COPD) :

Chronic bronchitis pathophysiology , Chronic bronchitis treatment

5- Cystic fibrosis :

Cystic fibrosis pathophysiology , Cystic fibrosis diagnosis . Cystic fibrosis treatments , Cystic fibrosis complications

6- Occupational lung diseases

Occupational asthma and mesothelioma , Asbestosis, silicosis, sick building syndrome

7- Pulmonary hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension symptoms and causes , Hypoxic vasoconstriction , Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis Swan Ganz catheterization , Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis , Pulmonary hypertension treatment

8- Pneumonia

Streptococcus pneumoniae and flu vaccines , Pulmonary abscess , Pneumonia vs. pneumonitis

9- Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion diagnosis and treatment , Transudate vs exudate , Neurovascular bundle

10- Lung cancer

Lung cancer diagnosis , Lung cancer types , Lung cancer complications , Lung cancer metastasis , Lung cancer staging , Lung cancer treatment

11- Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory conditions

What is allergic rhinitis? , Allergic rhinitis diagnosis and treatment , Nasal polyps , What is sinusitis? , Sinusitis diagnosis and treatment

Respiratory diseases & respiratory therapy(圖2)-速報App

12- Throat conditions

Tonsillitis , Pharyngitis , Tonsillopharyngitis - Complications, diagnosis, and treatment , What is a tonsillectomy?

13- Laryngeal conditions

What is epiglottitis? , Epiglottitis diagnosis and treatment , Hib vaccine , What is laryngitis . Laryngitis diagnosis, treatment, and prevention , Laryngomalacia , Vocal cord growths

14- Bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis pathophysiology , Bronchiolitis diagnosis , Bronchiolitis treatment

Delineate the structures of respiratory system and their functions.

Describe the basic structure and function of human lungs.

Define "respiratory cycle" and distinguish between inspiration and expiration.

Understand and explore the mechanism of breathing control in lungs.

Explore how gases are exchanged during breathing.

Systematize the path of a molecule of oxygen as it passes from the human nose to an alveolus.

List some of the diseases/conditions that badly influence the mechanism of breathing.

Classify several common respiratory disorders according to their causative agents.

This topic covers under Biology subject as a part of the Human Physiology topic

and this topic contains following sub topics

respiratory system

respiratory Cycle

Breathing Control

Lung Diseases

respiratory Disorders

respiratory care

respiratory therapy

disease dictionary

Respiratory diseases & respiratory therapy(圖3)-速報App

lungs and respiratory system

Respiratory diseases & respiratory therapy(圖4)-速報App